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A Guide To Hair Transplants And Donor Area Recovery

The donor area is located at the back and sides of your head, providing hair for your recipient area during an FUE hair transplant. During the procedure, your surgeon will make small incisions around each follicle and extract them individually. These incisions tend to heal quickly. Typically, the donor area takes 5-7 days to heal after an FUE hair transplant.

This guide will provide examples of how patients’ donor areas heal after the hair transplant surgery and offer guidance on what to expect during the healing process.

What Is The Donor Area?

The donor area usually refers to the region located at the back and sides of the head from where a hair transplant surgeon extracts hair follicles. The extraction process involves harvesting hair follicles one by one (in FUE hair transplant surgery) or as a strip (in FUT hair transplant surgery) from the donor area and transplanting them to an area of balding or thinning (recipient area).
The hair follicles in the donor area are genetically programmed to be resistant to the balding process. This is why they are selected by hair transplant surgeons for transplantation into areas of balding or thinning. Once transplanted, these hair follicles will continue to exhibit their natural resistance to balding and grow normally in their new location.

Donor Area Healing After A Hair Transplant

After a hair transplant, the healing process starts immediately. First, small scabs will form over the tiny incisions in the donor area. Then, on the day of the surgery, a bandage will be given to the patient to wear on the back of their head, which can be removed the next day. Once the scabs are removed, the body begins to repair the incisions, leaving small scar tissue in its place. These scars should be no more than 0.7mm-1mm in size, spread out throughout the donor area. Since the individual scars are small, they should be virtually undetectable once the hair grows to 1 or 2cm.

Waiting For Your Donor Area To Heal Before Going Back To Work

It’s important to note that the speed of healing may vary from person to person. While some patients may experience complete healing of the donor area within seven days, others may require a more extended period. Therefore, it’s essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure proper healing and minimise the risk of complications.

Cutting Your Hair After Your Donor Area Has Healed

After 14 days following your hair transplant, cutting your hair as normal is safe. By this point, your donor area should have fully healed, and any scabs or scarring should have subsided. However, it’s important to follow the aftercare and recovery guidelines provided by your hair transplant surgeon to ensure the best possible results and to avoid any potential complications.

Redness In Your Donor Area After A Hair Transplant

It’s important to note that some redness in the donor area is normal after a hair transplant, and it can take several weeks for the redness to disappear completely. However, if you notice persistent redness beyond four weeks, it’s a good idea to contact your surgeon to have the area evaluated. This can help rule out potential complications or issues with the healing process. In some cases, persistent redness may be a sign of infection or other problems, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and seek professional advice if you have concerns.

Donor Area Scars, After A Hair Transplant

The dot-like scars left after a hair transplant are usually tiny and spread throughout the donor area. They can be easily concealed with longer hair, typically 1-2 cm in length. It’s important to note that the size and number of scars can vary depending on the technique used for harvesting hair follicles (FUE vs FUT), the surgeon’s skill and experience, and the individual’s healing process. However, with proper aftercare and following the surgeon’s instructions, these scars should be minimal and not noticeable once the hair grows back.

Are You Looking To Have A Hair Transplant?

To gain a better understanding, we invite you to visit our FUE hair transplant before-and-after page. Alternatively, if you want to understand the cost of a hair transplant, please refer to our cost and finance page for more information.
If you are considering a hair transplant and are unsure when you can return to work, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our staff will happily discuss your treatment options and advise you on the best time to return to work. Enquire today to learn more.

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