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Questions And Answers About Hair Transplant

Frequently Asked Questions

The Surgery

1. How painful is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a relatively painless procedure that involves only minor discomfort after the operation. A local anaesthetic is typically administered during the procedure, and some clinics, such as HTG, offer options for gradual sedation to minimise any pain further. In addition, we provide needleless anaesthesia for patients who may feel anxious about the procedure. Further information about the hair transplant procedure and aftercare instructions can be found on our website.

2 : Am I a candidate for surgery?

To be a candidate for a hair transplant, it is important that you are in good overall health and have enough healthy donor hair available. Our doctors will conduct a thorough assessment to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and to ensure that you have realistic expectations about the results that can be achieved. In addition, we take great care to ensure that each patient is fully informed and prepared before undergoing any hair transplant procedure.

3. What is the FUE hair transplant?

Follicular Unit Excision, commonly known as FUE, is a technique used to excision naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs (also known as follicular units) from various body parts, including the scalp, for transplantation to areas where they are needed. The process typically involves using a circular scalpel, called a punch, which can either be manual or motorised. In the case of scalp hair transplantation, the excision occurs in the Safe Donor Area, a region in the occipital-parietal scalp generally unaffected by androgenic alopecia, except in some instances. This hair is then utilised to reconstruct or restore areas that require hair. Due to the small size of the punch, scarring is minimal and typically not noticeable even with short hair, as small scars are left behind. To perform the procedure, the hair must be shaved down to less than a millimetre to fit inside the punch.

4. How many grafts can be planted/placed per surgery?

The motorised FUE method allows for the excision and transplantation of up to 4000 grafts daily, while in the manual method, this number is 1500 grafts daily.

5. How long does a hair transplant procedure last?

The operation takes between 5 to 8 hours, depending on the case. Most people can return to work 2 to 5 days after the procedure.

6. HOW many single, double or triple grafts will be placed?

The quantity and quality of hair follicles that can be excision from your donor area will significantly impact the hair transplant procedure, particularly for the crown area. To obtain optimal results, we aim to excision more triple and quadruple follicular units, but this is contingent upon their availability. It’s worth noting that some double follicular and even single units may still be obtained.

7. Will I be awake?

Local anaesthesia means that only the area being worked on is anaesthetised. This means you may remain fully conscious during the whole procedure. It is, however, very common for patients to fall asleep during the procedure.

8. Will I have to shave my head?

When extracting hair follicles from the donor area, it is our standard practice to shave the area. However, in some cases, it may be possible to perform the procedure without shaving the recipient area. Whether or not this is feasible is determined on a case-by-case basis, with the doctor making a decision based on the individual circumstances.

9. How are the grafts separated/stored after excised?

Our team of skilled nurses utilise microscopes to examine every graft that has been extracted carefully. The grafts are typically no more than 2-3 hours old and are kept in a holding solution until they are ready to be transplanted.

10. When is the appropriate time to have hair transplantation surgery

In some cases, patients may seek surgery for hair loss when they have very early signs of hair loss and a significant amount of miniaturisation. It may be more appropriate to address the condition with medication and wait until a transplant becomes necessary. However, with recent advancements in the field, there is no longer a need to wait until hair loss has advanced to a stage where it causes emotional distress and anxiety.

11. How long should I wait between hair transplant procedures?

Usually, the second surgery is scheduled around 12-14 months following the initial procedure. This time gap allows the surgeon to visually examine the growth of the transplanted hair, which enables them to accurately determine the placement of new grafts during the second surgery.

12. What must I do in preparation for my hair transplant procedure?

It is strongly advised that you avoid consuming alcohol or energy drinks for at least three days before the operation and refrain from smoking entirely for the same duration. In addition, do not take any medications before the surgery, Unless explicitly approved by your doctor.

13. Will it look natural?

Our top priority is to achieve natural-looking results for our patients. We can seamlessly blend transplanted hair with your existing hair through expert artistry and advanced techniques, creating a natural-looking hairline and fuller coverage in other areas. In addition, you can be confident that your transplanted hair will blend in perfectly with your native hair, making it virtually impossible to distinguish between the two.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the minimum hair length I have to have before surgery?

To ensure optimal results, it is recommended that your hair be at least 50 millimetres (mm) in length prior to the surgery. Please refrain from cutting your hair immediately before the procedure, as the doctor prefers that you arrive with longer hair.

2. At what time do I have to be at the clinic?

We ask our patients to be at the clinic at 9.00 in the morning. If this changes, you will be advised accordingly.

3. Can I travel to the clinic for surgery?

Indeed, it is pretty standard for patients to travel from other locations to receive treatment. Our team can assist you with your travel arrangements and accommodations. However, if you prefer a stop-and-go procedure, we highly recommend bringing a chaperone who can safely accompany you and help you return home.

4. Is a hair transplant dangerous?

At HTG Hair Transplant Clinics, our experienced and specialised hair surgeons take all necessary precautions to minimise the risk of complications. They follow strict sterilisation protocols, use advanced techniques and equipment, and prioritise the safety and satisfaction of our patients. Nevertheless, as with any surgical procedure, there are some potential risks which are uncommon, and it’s important to discuss these with your doctor before undergoing a hair transplant.

5. Can you have a hair transplant if you're too bald?

A hair transplant may not cover the entire bald area if a person’s hair loss is too advanced (beyond the N7 level on the Norwood scale). This is because the supply of the donor’s hair is limited to the back and sides of the head. In these cases, a body hair transplant may be viable if sufficient donor hair exists. It’s essential to consult with an experienced hair transplant surgeon to determine if this is a viable option and to understand the potential risks and outcomes of the procedure.

6. Can someone with a hair transplant wear a wig or hairpiece?

After a hair transplant, it’s best to avoid wearing regular wigs, especially ones that use glue, as they can cause infections due to lack of sterilisation, irritate the scalp, and potentially damage newly transplanted hair during removal.

7. Am I ever too young or too old for a hair transplant?

We have achieved successful hair transplant surgeries for patients in their early twenties to late eighties. While most men experience some level of hair loss by the age of forty, this age range is the most common time for hair transplant surgery.

8. Is It Possible to Get a Hair Transplant Without Using Medication Afterwards?

Indeed, it is possible to use finasteride as a treatment option for certain patients experiencing hair loss. However, like any medical treatment, the decision to use finasteride is based on individual cases, and not all patients are suitable candidates for this medication. In addition, it’s important to note that not all patients who undergo hair transplant surgery require finasteride; similarly, not all patients taking finasteride require surgery. Therefore, the decision to use finasteride is typically made on a case-by-case basis.

9. Is the surgery divided into two days or done in a single day?

With FUE surgery, graft numbers up to 4500 are performed in one day. If more grafts, typically over 4500-5000, are needed to achieve the desired result, the procedure may be scheduled over two consecutive days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Post - Operative Care

1. What is the aftercare you recommend?

Aftercare is a crucial part of the hair transplant process. It includes all medical follow-ups after the surgery and instructions for medication, sleeping position, and other important aspects of recovery. Following our aftercare information is important to ensure the best possible results.

As part of the aftercare process, we will ask you to send photos of your hair every three months to the clinic so we can evaluate the progression of your case. Don’t worry; we’ll remind you when to send the photos.

Additionally, we provide the first hair wash, typically performed the day after surgery. This is a simple process that most patients can do at home, but you are more than welcome to come to the clinic if you prefer.

2. Can I drink alcohol following a hair transplant?

It’s generally recommended to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages for at least six days after a hair transplant operation. This is because alcohol can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding and swelling, interfering with healing. In addition, alcohol can also dehydrate the body, which can also be detrimental to the healing process.

3. Can I smoke following a hair transplant?

Patients who have undergone hair transplantation should consider the effects of smoking on the outcome of their procedure. As nicotine reduces oxygenation, smoking should be avoided for at least two weeks post-operation

4. What kind of shampoo should you use after an FUE transplant?

Postoperative hair washing after an FUE hair transplant is a crucial aspect of aftercare. A professional will perform the first hair wash at HTG Transplant Clinics the day after surgery. From the third day, gentle hair washing may be performed by pouring dilute shampoo and water over the grafts and donor area. Specialised care products will be provided after the operation.

5. How long after surgery can I go back to physical activity?

After a hair transplant procedure, it’s important to avoid strenuous physical activity for the first week to allow your body to begin the healing process. After this initial recovery period, light activities such as jogging or light training sessions may be resumed. However, more vigorous physical

activity, including contact sports, should be avoided for 10-15 days post-op to prevent trauma or excessive rubbing that could interfere with the healing process.

It’s important to give your scalp enough time to heal properly to achieve the best possible results from the procedure. For this reason, we recommend waiting at least 28 days before resuming contact sports or any other activity that may put your scalp at risk of injury. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the best possible outcome from your hair transplant procedure.

6. Can you wear a hat after a hair transplant?

After your hair transplant procedure, we will provide you with a hat to wear, designed to protect your scalp and minimise any potential damage to the newly transplanted hair grafts. For the first two days after the procedure, it’s important to wear only the hat we provide and avoid wearing any other type of hat.

After the grafts have securely integrated into your scalp, which typically takes a few days, it is acceptable to wear a different hat. However, we recommend avoiding frequent hat-wearing for at least ten days post-operation, as this can slow down the healing process in the surgical area. It’s best to allow the site to heal naturally without a hat as much as possible to ensure the best possible outcome from your hair transplant

7. Will my donor hair grow back?

The donor area, which is typically located at the back and sides of the scalp, is a finite supply of non-androgen-sensitive hair that must be preserved at all costs. Therefore, during a hair transplant, the existing hair is carefully removed from the donor area and transplanted to the area needing hair.

It’s important to understand that the transplanted hair will not grow back in its original location after the procedure. However, it will grow in the area where it’s transplanted, which is the procedure’s objective.

8. After the hair transplant, how long shall I wait until I can go back to my normal hair care routine?

Typically, we require approximately one month for post-operative care, but in some instances, such as with minoxidil, I recommend resuming care earlier. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Recovery - What To Expect

DAY 1 TO 3

The healing process begins immediately after surgery. At this point, the instructions are sufficiently clear. Use the saline solution and take the medication provided. Some swelling may appear during these first few days. However, it should resolve on its own over the coming days. During this period, you should be washing the donor area only.


Today marks the beginning of your full wash routine, which includes washing the donor and recipient areas. You may choose to have your first wash at the clinic. Additionally, you should start applying aloe vera on the donor and recipient areas from today onwards.

DAYS 10 TO 15

The scabs should naturally fall off during this period, and you should not worry about them. Some mild redness may still be visible, which is considered normal.

DAY 16 TO 30

It is common to experience shedding of the transplanted hair during this period, a natural and healthy part of the transplantation process. It is crucial to let the hair that is supposed to shed fall out on its own


During this phase, not much happens as your transplanted hair follicles are in a resting phase. Some redness may still be noticeable, and the skin on the recipient area may feel more sensitive than usual


You may start to notice some activity and growth of the transplanted hair at this point. Additionally, this is the time for your first follow-up with the doctor, which can be in person or by sending photos to our team.


As time passes after your hair transplant, you may start to observe that the transplanted hairs are becoming denser and providing better coverage. This is a natural part of the maturation process, and you can expect to see continued improvement in the appearance of your hair over the coming months.


At this point, your hair transplant has reached an advanced stage of maturation; you may still observe enhancements to the transplanted hair, and you can anticipate that the density and appearance of your hair will remain stable over the long ter


As the weeks and months pass following your hair transplant, you may observe that the overall quality of your hair is improving. This could include increased manageability and ease of combing, which can enhance the overall appearance of your hair. Furthermore, it’s not uncommon for newly transplanted hairs to continue emerging during this period as the transplanted follicles mature and develop.