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When Can You Go Back To Work After A Hair Transplant?

At HTG, we are frequently asked, “When can I return to work after my hair transplant?” This is a common concern among patients worried about the recovery process and the possibility of visible signs of surgery. The answer to this question depends on the patient’s typical work activities, and our advice typically falls into two main categories:

1. Whether the patient can work from home

2. If the patient needs to return to the office

Working From Home

If the patient is able to work from home, they can usually return to work the day after their hair transplant procedure. However, we recommend waiting until the 5th day before resuming remote work, which allows for sufficient recovery time. By this point, visible signs of surgery will have decreased, and the transplanted hairs in the recipient area will be less fragile.

Returning To The Office

If the patient needs to return to the office to work, we recommend taking at least ten days off to ensure full recovery and to avoid visible signs of surgery, such as redness and scabbing. This will allow enough time for the transplanted hairs to settle in and any scabbing to fall off.

Tips For Returning To Work After A Hair Transplant

If you need to return to work as soon as possible after your transplant, it’s crucial to follow these tips and tricks to ensure a safe and quick recovery:

What To Expect After Hair Transplant Surgery

Waiting for your hair to regrow after a hair transplant can be a lengthy process that can be both exciting and frustrating. Unfortunately, it’s common for patients not to see any new growth in the first 2-3 months after the procedure, so it’s important not to be discouraged if there are no visible changes.
Fortunately, recovery from an FUE hair transplant is relatively quick because the incisions made during the procedure are sub-millimetres in size. The first three days after the surgery may involve swelling or discomfort, but this will gradually fade. Initially, patients will notice small hairs carefully placed in the recipient area and some redness and scabbing in the operated area. These signs of surgery will begin to fade after 5-10 days. During recovery, some hairs may fall out, which is normal.
Most patients will begin to see a noticeable difference in hair growth after 3-4 months, as the newly implanted hair grafts begin to grow, and the donor site continues to heal.
Before returning to work, patients should follow the aftercare and recovery advice provided by their surgeon. At our clinic, our surgeons are always available for follow-up appointments and to answer any further questions patients may have during the regrowth process.

When Can I Go Back To Work?

After a hair transplant, it’s important to carefully consider the type of work you do and the potential impact on your recovery. For example, if you have a job that requires you to wear a tight-fitting hat, it’s advisable to take at least two weeks off work to avoid damaging the newly implanted hairs. Additionally, direct sunlight should be avoided for at least two weeks to prevent sunburn and potential damage to the grafts. If your work involves outdoor exposure, it’s recommended to wear a cap or hat to protect your head.
While it’s possible to go back to work after five days, it’s best to wait until ten days have passed, at which point you will have fully recovered, and the redness and scabbing will have subsided. During the initial recovery phase, it’s normal for some of the newly implanted hairs to fall out, but this is nothing to be concerned about. After three to four months, most patients begin to see noticeable hair growth.

What Type Of Work Do You Do?

When deciding when to return to work after a hair transplant, patients should consider the nature of their job. It is advisable to avoid exposing the scalp to direct sunlight for at least two weeks after the procedure to prevent sunburn and damage to the newly implanted hairs. Wearing a cap or hat is recommended if the job requires working outdoors.
For those who need to wear tight-fitting hats or helmets at work, it is essential to avoid putting pressure on the transplanted area as it may disturb the hair grafts. In such cases, taking a more extended break and avoiding work for two weeks is better.

Hair Transplant Considerations

It’s important to note that the timeline for when grafts are fully secure can vary depending on the patient and the type of hair transplant they received. Generally, it takes 10-14 days for the grafts to be fully secure, but it can take longer for some patients. During this time, it’s crucial to be careful with your hair and avoid any activities that could damage the grafts, such as vigorous exercise or rough brushing.
Regarding side effects, it’s common to experience redness, swelling, and scabbing in the recipient area following a hair transplant. These side effects typically subside within the first week or two after the procedure. However, some patients may experience more prolonged side effects, such as itching or numbness, lasting several weeks.
If you’re concerned about hiding your hair transplant when returning to work, several options are available. For example, you may choose to wear a hat or head covering, or you may prefer to style your hair in a way that conceals the transplant. Your surgeon or hair transplant specialist can guide you on the best ways to style your hair following the procedure.
Finally, it’s important to continue using the solution provided by your surgeon to spray your recipient area every 30 minutes for a specific duration of time. This will help keep the area clean and promote healing. Once you’ve finished using the solution, you can start using gentle shampoos and hair care products as your surgeon recommends.

How Long After A Hair Transplant Are Grafts Secure?

It’s important to be extra careful during the first two weeks after your hair transplant to avoid trauma to the newly implanted grafts. This includes not scratching or rubbing the scalp, avoiding strenuous exercise, and being cautious when washing and styling your hair.
After the first two weeks, the grafts should be secure, and it should be safe to return to work as long as you take precautions to protect the scalp and the newly transplanted hair. It’s also important to continue following the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure proper healing and growth of the transplanted hair.

Hair Transplant Side Effects

It’s important to note that these side effects are usually temporary and should start to subside after the first few days. Swelling and itching can be managed with over-the-counter medication or ice packs, and crusting can be addressed with gentle washing and care. Following your surgeon’s aftercare instructions is important to prevent infection and ensure optimal healing.
In terms of shock loss, it’s not uncommon for patients to experience shedding of the surrounding and transplanted hair in the first few weeks after a hair transplant. This is a temporary phase, and the hair will start to regrow in the following months. It’s important to be patient and trust the process.
It’s also worth noting that not all patients will experience all of these side effects, and some may have a smoother recovery process than others. Therefore, it’s important to communicate with your surgeon and follow their advice throughout recovery.

How To Hide Your Hair Transplant?

There are several ways to hide a hair transplant during the recovery phase:

Short Haircut On The Back And Sides

To carry out an FUE hair transplant, many patients must shave the back and sides of the head to a grade 0. This can take 7-10 days to grow to a length that isn’t perceived as too short for work. So if you are worried about having too short a haircut following your hair transplant, we advise waiting 7-10 days before returning to work.

Small Scabs In The Newly Implanted Area

It’s essential to give your scalp enough time to heal and for the scabs to fall off naturally. Trying to remove them prematurely could lead to damage to the grafts and hinder the success of the hair transplant. So, it’s best to wait until the scabs have fallen off before returning to work to ensure a safe and successful recovery.

Redness In The Donor And Recipient Areas

The redness is caused by the healing process of the tiny cuts made by the hair transplant surgeon. This redness is more noticeable on lighter skin than darker skin but should gradually fade over time.
Waiting for two weeks after the hair transplant surgery can be a good idea if you are concerned about the redness is noticeable. This will give you enough time for the redness to subside and for your scalp to heal. However, the duration of redness can vary from person to person, and it can last longer in some cases.
However, if you have a long hair FUE transplant, you should be able to comb over and conceal any red areas, hiding any signs that you have undergone surgery. This means that if you wanted to get back to work earlier after your hair transplant having an unshaven procedure could benefit you.

The Day When You Finish Spraying Your Recipient Site Every 30 Minutes

You won’t need to spray your newly implanted hairs after the 5th day, and it is important to note that rest and recovery after a hair transplant are crucial for the procedure’s success. Therefore, it is recommended that patients take at least a week off work to allow their bodies to heal and recover properly. Avoiding strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for the first few weeks after the surgery is also recommended.

Need help ?

If you require any additional information regarding your hair transplant procedure please leave us your details below and a friendly fully trained telephone representative will give you a call back as soon as possible. All calls are completely confidential.