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Gradual Sedation

Gradual Sedation

At HTG hair transplant clinics, our gradual sedation system ensures that our patients undergo hair transplant operations without experiencing any pain or anxiety. This approach helps us provide our patients with a comfortable and relaxed surgical experience.
In this process, our primary objective is to alleviate any discomfort and unease experienced by our patients before applying local anaesthesia. We accomplish this by administering oral anaesthetics to eliminate pain and anxiety. In cases where oral drugs are insufficient in reducing the patient’s anxiety, we incorporate analgesic gas, commonly called laughing gas, a popular choice among dentists. Combining these two methods renders the hair transplant procedure and the application of local anaesthesia completely painless and effectively reduces patient anxiety. Only under extraordinary circumstances, where the patient is afflicted with severe anxiety or a phobia towards needles or surgery, do we offer stronger sedation for the first 20 minutes of the procedure, administered by an anesthesiologist. It’s important to note that this is not a form of general anaesthesia.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a commonly used sedative and analgesic in dentistry and specific medical procedures. While it may not directly address the fear of needles, nitrous oxide can offer several benefits for a patient who is anxious about a hair transplant procedure:

1. Relaxation and anxiety reduction: Nitrous oxide has sedative properties that induce relaxation, and help alleviate anxiety. It produces a feeling of euphoria and may make the patient feel more at ease during the procedure.

2. Analgesic effect: Nitrous oxide has mild pain-relieving properties. While it may not eliminate pain, it can help reduce the patient’s perception of pain, making the hair transplant procedure more comfortable.

3. Quick onset and recovery: Nitrous oxide takes effect rapidly once inhaled and wears off quickly once the administration is stopped. This allows for a more controlled and adjustable level of sedation during the procedure. After the process, the patient can recover relatively quickly without lingering sedative effects.

4. Minimal side effects: Nitrous oxide is generally considered safe when administered by trained professionals. It has fewer side effects compared to other more potent sedatives or anaesthesia options. In addition, the gas is rapidly eliminated from the body, reducing the risk of residual effects or hangover-like symptoms.

5. Versatility and ease of use: Nitrous oxide can be easily administered using a mask over the patient’s nose. It does not require invasive procedures, such as injections or IV lines, which can benefit individuals with needle phobia.

It’s important to note that while nitrous oxide can help manage anxiety and discomfort during a hair transplant, it might not completely eliminate these feelings. Each individual’s response to nitrous oxide can vary, so discussing your concerns and preferences with the medical team conducting the hair transplant procedure is essential. They can guide you on the most appropriate sedation options based on your needs and medical history.

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If you require any additional information regarding your hair transplant procedure please leave us your details below and a friendly fully trained telephone representative will give you a call back as soon as possible. All calls are completely confidential.