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LLLT Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a safe and effective treatment for non-scarring forms of hair loss in individuals unresponsive or intolerant to standard hair loss treatments. In addition, combining LLLT with topical minoxidil and oral finasteride may work synergistically to improve hair growth.

Can laser light therapy truly stimulate hair growth?

Research has demonstrated that laser light therapy can enhance hair thickness, strength, and overall health, while also visibly enhancing the volume and appearance of hair. According to several studies, 85% of patients undergoing LLLT treatment experienced a reduction or complete halt in hair loss. In addition, 55% of cases saw new hair growth.

How frequently should LLLT be utilised for promoting hair growth?

LLLT is appropriate for individuals experiencing mild to moderate hair loss and is not recommended for those in advanced stages or with baldness. Patients should receive the therapy consistently for at least 5-10 sessions.

Are there any negative consequences associated with LLLT?

Typically, there are no adverse side effects from LLLT. However, some individuals may experience mild discomfort following treatment, attributed to a re-stimulation of the inflammatory phase. This discomfort usually subsides within 24-48 hours.

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