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Long Hair FUE

Long Hair FUE

The Long Hair technique is a specialised hair transplant method similar to the traditional shaved FUE procedure. Both involve extracting hair grafts one by one and their subsequent implantation into the recipient area using sapphire tools. However, regular FUE operations require the patient’s hair to be fully shaved, which can be concerning for their appearance during the postoperative period. To address this issue, newer methods such as Long Hair FUE have been developed, which only require the donor area to be shaved while leaving the top part of the hair long.
This offers greater privacy and discretion than regular FUE procedures, as the patient’s native hair partially covers the recipient area, resulting in few visible traces of the medical intervention. This allows for a faster return to one’s social and professional life while maintaining a more natural appearance.

No-Shave FUE

A feasible option for hair loss treatment is the unshaven FUE hair transplant (UFUE), a no-shave hair transplant. It is a procedure nearly identical to the standard shaven FUE hair transplant, except that patients do not need to shave the hair on the top of their head and can instead maintain a short haircut on the back and sides. This is particularly advantageous if you want to keep your hair transplant a secret from those around you, such as friends, family, and co-workers. In addition, if you are hesitant to shave your head due to the desire to return to work quickly or to maintain long hair, this is a suitable hair loss treatment alternative for you.
It is possible to undergo a hair transplant without shaving your head completely. This type of hair transplant is an unshaven FUE hair transplant (UFUE), which is very similar to a standard FUE hair transplant, except that you may have to shave less of your head or none before the procedure.
With UFUE, patients can maintain most or all of their hair. Various types of unshaven hair transplants are available, but in all cases, some parts of the donor area (i.e., the hair at the back and sides of the head) will need to be shaved with a fade up the length of the hair on top.
Around 15% of our patients undergo an unshaven hair transplant to return to work and social life as soon as possible. While this is feasible for most people, some may have better options. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss this with our doctors, who can provide you with more information regarding the benefits and drawbacks of an unshaven hair transplant.

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If you require any additional information regarding your hair transplant procedure please leave us your details below and a friendly fully trained telephone representative will give you a call back as soon as possible. All calls are completely confidential.