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Sapphire FUE

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is a cutting-edge hair restoration method that delivers precise and natural-looking results. This procedure incorporates the widely-used FUE technique with state-of-the-art medical devices. Specifically, the FUE technique for hair transplantation employs blades made from Sapphire, a valuable gemstone.

Hair transplantation using the FUE technique is reliable for restoring hair growth. However, the Sapphire FUE hair transplant technique distinguishes itself from traditional FUE procedures by utilising specialised medical instruments during the surgery. Unlike standard hair transplantation, which employs steel blades to create incisions in the recipient area, the Sapphire FUE technique uses sapphire blades instead. The sapphire blades are distinct from steel blades, as they have a V-shaped shaft rather than a U-shaped one. In addition, gemstones in the procedure allow for more precise incisions, which can enhance the overall outcome of the hair transplantation process.

Sapphire Premade slit method

The Sapphire FUE method for hair transplants is efficient and creates greater density.  The channels opened in the standard hair transplant procedure follow the grafts’ removal from the donor location. The Sapphire Slits used in the SPS procedure are used to first open the channels for the new hair follicles before the extraction. Only sapphire slits with 0.8–1 mm diameter are used in the SPS approach to open the channels. This approach provides many benefits. First, it enables physicians to perform transplants more quickly, providing greater density. The grafts are placed without separating the hairs and immediately placed into the channels. This procedure is often referred to as a direct hair transplant. The SPS approach produces healthier hair grafts and better results than traditional hair transplant methods.

Utilising the Sapphire Premade Slit (SPS) approach has the following benefits:

Compared to previous hair transplant procedures, this method keeps the hair grafts outside your body for a shorter time. As a result, SPS offers a greater graft survival rate and healthier grafts.

Since the channels are premade, and most grafts are not dissected as in conventional hair transplant methods, the SPS approach involves minimal mechanical handling. As a result, the hair grafts experience less damage and have higher survival rates.

Sapphire Premade Slit (SPS) method is superior to other approaches. In addition, it provides significantly more benefits than a typical hair transplant would. Therefore, at the HTG Hair Transplant Clinic, we only use the Sapphire Premade Slit (SPS) approach for our procedures

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