The hair consultation with trichoscopy equipment offers inspiration and concrete information for patients. The subject of hair consultation is vital to every practice because it no longer requires a time-consuming effort. The TrichoLAB Service uses the method of trichoscopy, a non-invasive, painless, digital hair evaluation method based on video dermoscopy. Instead of tedious manual measurements, a series of panoramic and microscopic scalp images are taken in the specific areas and transferred from the camera onto software, where they undergo an in-depth statistical analysis. The result is a detailed report with crucial parameters that are the fundament for a professional hair consultation. First, capture a few images. Second, upload the images to the software equipment. Last, promptly receive a detailed report on the following examples.
- The average number of hairs
- Hair shaft thickness
- Hair distribution
- Empty follicles
- Cumulative Hair Thickness
- Number of follicular units